It's January 4, 2021. We made it to this day, this hour, this place - wherever you may be- and I am convinced, now more than ever, that there is a purpose for our lives. I look forward to

exploring what that means for me this year and seeing what it looks like in your life as well. We were never meant to live in isolation but this past year has required strength and perseverance as sought to help and care for each other. I don't have a long list of resolutions this year. My primary goal is to live each day in gratitude, soaking in grace and distributing it freely as it has been so freely given to me. I hope to read more books and stare at screens less often. I hope to breathe fresh air in the woods more often, to watch the skies with wonder, to sing loudly as if no one were listening. I hope to notice more and enjoy the life brimming around me, to allow it to inspire me to paint with joy and freedom.
What are you hoping for this year? Many of us are grieving. We have lost people that we dearly loved, we may have lost peace, hope, or joy temporarily. I hope that 2021 prompts us to look forward in hope, rather than back in regret. Gratitude for the gifts given is the gateway to joy, the way forward when hope seems thin. Cheers to a new year, fresh starts, and new mercies. Grace and peace to you, friends. Happy New Year!